Got told today horses can cure my endometriosis -rant

For context I've worked with this girl for about 2 years, she's a kind person but today blew my mind. About 8 months ago I was having excision surgery so obviously I told my staff I'm going to be gone for a few weeks, and she asked what happened, she's a woman, I told her the truth, and she seemed to understand. Asked me a few curious questions which came across as genuinely wanting to learn more about the disease, no worries. Anyway fast forward to today. Staff have been calling in sick left right and centre and of course I end up in a flare at the same time, so I popped some pain killers mid day and she saw and said "oh are you in pain?" I decided to answer her honestly and said "to be honest I'm always in pain but it usually gets worse when I have to push myself extra hard like this" and I nearly did a spit take at her reply. "Have you tried horses?" I thought to myself (she's Spanish) maybe she made a translation error, did she perhaps mean herbs? I replied "you mean herbs?" She said "no like the animal, because they can cure you". I'm sorry what? I took pause... For a long moment before asking her to clarify. "What do you mean?" I said. She answered "you know like with their energy, maybe if you go to a ranch or something, like spend some time with them they can shrink all those lesions and stuff, they're good with those things really" . She was completely serious. I've never been so dumbfounded before. I just said "Ill keep that in mind" she said "no really,I know it sounds hippy dippy but trust me it works" At that point the frustration came out and I said "if codeine, hormones and surgery can't help me, I doubt good vibes from a horse is gonna do much" and she seemed offended.

But can I just be really "poor me" for a second? Maybe some of you guys can relate. All of them calling in sick day in day out, fair enough we all get unwell, I'm a patient manager, I'm kind to them checking how they are feeling when they get back etc, I remind myself it's not their fault I'm in pain. When I have to work 2x as hard to cover them while I'm also managing the rest of my workload, I have absolutely fucking MASTERED hiding my pain, nobody knows. They say "morning how are you? " I say "good thanks and you?" With a smile I work hard I keep my head down, I take meds I stretch in the bathrooms, sometimes I go to a "meeting" when I need a few minutes to rest, and I try my best no to be absent myself. And I'm not gonna lie part of me, a small part that I 99% of the time silence is like "yeah I'm sorry you called in sick for a mild cold that I've also had all week, AND a chronic illness boohoo" like I know that sounds fucking awful But dude, horses??!! Are you fucking kidding me? This is why I don't talk about my disease with Co workers normally. HORSES.