What Sony/Guerrilla doesnt get about Horizon

Sony doesnt understand what made Horizon Zero Dawn great, and that wasnt the plot. Thats why Forbidden West didnt perform well (edit: nvm I guess it did, I assumed because I heard way less about it on release than I did about ZD that it didnt) and the lego game is also failing. The Horizon characters/setting/plot arent all that great (edit: I dont hate the plot, its decent with a few good twists) the franchise isnt what is good about this series, its the gameplay (edit: specifically combat, not open world stuff)

The thing Sony and Guerrilla Games should be focusing on is the phenomenal combat and body targetting system that HZD has. They should adapt the HZD system into other games. Imagine taking that system where you have to target, break, disable different body parts and applying it to something like Shadow of the Colossus, or Monster Hunter or Mecha game or even a racing/car combat game. Think of fighting a dragon and having to tear its wings to bring it down and then to strategically rip its scales off to target its heart, or shattering the stone armor of a 20 ft tall golem. Almost every enemy in HZD had a unique challenge, almost puzzles to solve, it was a very fun game.

HZD has terrific action gameplay, I'd like them to expand on that into other genres. Specifically it is the Horizon part of it thats failing.

edits: JFC no wonder people hate gamers, you make a few vague statements and people hyperfocus on trivial shit without trying to see what I'm saying.