Kojima fanboys, please explain yourselves. I don't get it.

I had an xbox growing up and I had some friends who had playstations. I would tell them that Halo was great and they would tell me that metal gear solid was great. I believed them. A year or two after the PS3 came out, I saw that one was on sale, and it included MGS4. I was genuinely excited to play it because my friends were such huge fans of the series and the reviews were really positive.

To this day, I haven't made it past the first chapter without hard quitting. I have inserted the MGS4 disc and booted up that game on 5 separate occasions that I can remember, the last 3 times with the mindset of "Okay, this time I'm going to play the game all the way through and give it a fair shake."


I hate the dialogue, I hate the clunky jerky controls, I hate the childish poop humor, I hate the constant unnecessary cutscenes, I hate all of it. There are points where a cutscene ends, you walk down a short alleyway, and immediatly another cutscene starts. Absolutely nuts.

And here we are now with Death Stranding 2 coming out. WHAT AM I MISSING? I honestly don't understand it.

Just to be clear, I'm not writing this because I hate Kojima. He seems cool, and I have nothing against the guy. But as a dev, I'm just confused about what the appeal is for his games. He has a massive following that bends over backwards defending everything he makes, good or bad. Where is this over-the-top love coming from? It reminds me of Zack Snyder fandom.
