How do people do everything so easily ?

It feels like people only have “added” tasks as actual tasks that take up mental space and energy, like : big new habits, working out, work meetings or homework, new skill development

And all the minor “tasks” aren’t actually tasks, they’re just like breathing or walking (it’s not like you don’t actively do it, but you barely think about it and put in any effort)

Brushing my hair, my teeth, showering, doing the laundry, cooking, dishes. These are supposed to be the minor tasks, but for me they’re not.. I do them, I have the discipline to. But it’s like half of my daily energy and mental capacity is needed for those, and they can never be automatic.

So the second I add other small tasks like walking 10k steps a day, doing hair/makeup or morning prep, practice a new skill or work on a personal project; it already feels like I’ve reached maximum task capacity. And yet, most people seem to do that and much more on a daily basis WHILE WORKING.

I can’t even do that with 100% free time and energy, and I don’t understand how people do it :( I’m desperate