What small moment in the series made your heart swell?
Hallo! As I'm relistening to the audiobooks, there are certain small, innocuous moments that make my heart swell with emotion and I sometimes get a little teary eyed!
I'm not talking about the big, heartwrenching or heartwarming scenes (Dobby's death, Fred's death, the moment Ron & Hermione finally kiss, etc.). As the title says, I want to hear about the little things.
I guess it comes down to what you consider to be a small moment, but these are my 3 favourite scenes:
1) When Fred & George say "give her hell from us, Peeves" and Peeves salutes the twins. 2) When Dumbledore awards 10 points to Gryffindor for Neville Longbottom because it takes a great deal more courage to stand up to your friends. 3) When the house-elves, headed by Kreacher, burst out of the kitchen to defend the castle during the Battle of Hogwarts.
I'm so keen to hear about yours!