Did I make a mistake?

I am a little over 8 months post op. Only left 1 ovary, for hormonal help. I don't know all the technical terms for that, but you get it. Just turned 48 two weeks ago. Had some complications after my surgery, ended up having to have a repair due to an infection, but other than that, it's been pretty uneventful.

That said, in these past 8 months, I've gained 40lbs, with zero change to my diet. I've developed severe leg swelling & have zero energy. Went to the dr today for my yearly physical & we are discussing zepbound & lymphademia. Thinking the ovary would help, I kept one, the other was too damaged. My Dr told me, it's clearly not keeping up & by doing it, I aged myself 10 years, overnight, essentially. So, that's fun. I got all my bloodwork done after my appt, maybe they will start me on HRT, I don't know. I just feel like I made a huge mistake, because at least, I could go to the gym before this. Now my legs are so swollen after work, I can barely move. I just feel like I traded a uterus for a boatload of other problems that make me feel worse than the uterus ever did.

No questions, just frustrated, I suppose & needed to vent. I can't be the only one who feels worse though, right?
