Form 6 is a scam (imo)

I feel like I just got scammed by taking Form 6. I saw alot of people on social medias sharing about Form 6 experiences and tips and to tell you the truth, Form 6 has always been a first option for me. However, I was assign to aliran sains (STEM) but I don't want to take STEM anymore because of the stress I got during SPM so i decided to change to social science. The problem started when i wanted to change my elective subjects. In our school, our electives are assign to us and I got ICT and seni visual for my electives. Keep in mind, I hate seni visual and I dont care how much people will try to convince me that seni visual is fun or easy because it doesn't matter to me because I have 0 interest with seni visual. How would you feel if you were assign the subjects you are not interested in? After that I tried to ask the teachers if I could change my electives but do you know what I got as a response instead?? "We can't change your electives, seni visual will help you score for your STPM" and when I told them I dont have any interest in seni they proceed to say "ini bukan pasal minat kamu, kami nak kekalkan peratusan murid yang lulus di sekolah kami" and hearing that just makes my blood boils?? I thought electives are supposed to be a free choice? I've seen alot of other people being able to change their electives without any problem? Does schools only care about percentage and not the students interest?? Another reason they have is "terlalu banyak mau urus" like that's your job and clearly you're refusing to do it?? I'm sorry but this is all so fcking ridiculous and before someone said "just change school" I CAN'T because no other PTE in my area offers ICT and I really want ICT which I thankfully got but I hate seni visual so much and they won't let me change when I even offer to pay money just to change my electives.

Btw if youre curious, I was planning to change seni to sains sukan but they won't let me when sains sukan is clearly ditawarkan for the class I was in?? so I'm confused why they won't let me change electives. Also I didnt take psv during Form 5 so quite ridiculous why they would assign me with seni visual. Actually, it's ridiculous why they would assign students electives anyways I thought Form 6 allows you to choose what electives you want but I guess not!!

My plan is to purposely fail my seni visual exams just to spite at their so called "perfect" percentage. In their face lol I dont care if they forces me to repeat my paper I'll gladly fail seni visual all the time because I HATE that subject.

This is just a rant but yeah I do feel like I just got extremely scammed by joining Form 6

Kinda feels like I don't actually have free choices in Form 6