Marriage counseling

Has anyone ever had issues with marriage counseling? My counselor doesn’t seem to understand my concerns and seems to invalidate what I feel are problems. Like, I had brought up that there have been issues with honesty in the relationship regarding my husband's past, and I’ve told her that before. We’ve had a whole discussion about it, and she asked if we’re having any current issues. I told her yes; my husband and I had a conversation about us, I guess, remembering things wrong about something he said about a person from his past. I swear he said he met this person through friends, and he said he didn’t say that. But it’s bothersome because I never make up stuff in my head. I don’t know if maybe I did remember wrong or if he actually said it, and I trust myself, obviously. So, I don’t know how to move forward.

TL;DR: So to summarize this what should I do about this issue occurring about whether he says he met this girl through friends or not, and how do I navigate getting a therapist that is better suited for my needs rather than one that seems to dismiss my concerns.