SEND HELP - I'm so picky about names

We're having a girl. I like Cleo & Atlas, that's about it. My husband hates Atlas for a girl, says he could do Cleo if it was Cleopatra. He likes Elowyn (we had picked that before we knew gender and then I hardcore switched to gender neutral names, idk why 🤷‍♀️). I'm okay with a lil girly if it's not TOOOOO girly. Any help would be much appreciated!! Earthy, Irish, Historical, Funky, Artsy, Gender Fluid.

EDIT: Didn't think ya'll would get so huffy puffy about the name Atlas "being a boy name". If you feel the need to voice your opinion on it then go ahead, just know it makes no difference to me and makes me think of you as a lil bit close-minded.