Choice and will? Your thoughts are not yours

And thought is ancient, an accumulation of million years. K spoke about it on numerous occasions. Here's further proof of that of a great neurosurgeon Dr. Wilder Penfield.

"Stimulation of part of the brain called mortal cortex was performed under local anesthesia (the brain has no pain receptors). Operation was done on a young man with an open skull by pressing on the mortal cortex and his arm start moving up. Dr. Penfield asks the patient; what is happening and he says my arm is moving up. Dr. Penfield asked; are you moving your hand? He says no, you are moving it by stimulating my brain. Then Dr. Penfield said to the patient, I will stimulate your brain in order for your arm to go up, but I want you to make a choice and move it in a different direction, and the hand did that.

With that simple observation Dr. Penfield came to stunning conclusion. The brain is telling the body to move the hand up, but there is someone else that tells the body to move it somewhere else. There is a choice maker that can override the commands of the brain to the body. I know where the command post is (the brain) says Dr. Penfield, but I can't find the commander. There is an interpreter, there is a choice maker and I can't find either one, in the brain or in the body."

People talk about out of body experience where the real mystery is how to get in the body experience.

 The questions remains, where is the choice maker that we call "me" and the interpreter that we call "me"?Because that's what we are and only apparently. Our essential state is that in every second  choices and interpretations happen. Every thought that comes to us is either of the past or the future. That is essential, but you can't be found in the brain or in the body. And what is the reason you can't be found in the brain or in the body? YOU ARE NOT IN IT! I-AM-Be-ing is not in the body, the body is in the I-AM, the totality of universe (consciousness) not to confuse with the "me" the puny egoic-mind, false self which falsely believes is its own power.

Since we are capable of being aware of our bodies and the mind-thoughts, then we are not the bodies or the mind which is fleeting but that awareness-consciousness that we are which is constant, ever present and which goes by the universal name I-AM-Be-ing-existence-consciousness the only abiding Reality. I-AM, already complete, divine, perfect, a masterpiece, ever present, constant companion, nothing is closer or more intimate, right here right now. I-AM is the totality of universe, that's how large I-AM is and we are THAT.

"I-AM large I contain multitudes" "I exist as I-AM-that is enough; if no other in the world be aware, I sit content"- Walt Whitman

If one desires: meditate on I-AM, to the exclusion of other thoughts, turn your attention. inward towards that energy which energizes the mind.