Should I get this 600/mo auto loan given these details about my finances?

I currently drive a 2009 mercury grand marquis in excellent condition, has almost 200k miles on it. It was my first car that I purchased 3 years ago, and all together including cost of sale and work done to have it in tip-top shape, I have spent about $8000 on it which works out to having spent $222/month since I got the vehicle.

My younger sister is need of a vehicle and I have offered to sell this one to her for 2000 when I could probably get 4000 for it because of its good condition.

Edit: 4k/month take home pay. No debts except for student loan debt but 3 more years of school left so payments will not be due on that until 2028. Total expenses including retirement/savings contributions and $350 allocated to "miscellaenous" are $2700. $1300 left over at this time.

I would like to purchase a 2025 ford maverick. The car payment on a 72 month loan would be about $600/month. $130/month insurance. There would be a 10 year, 100k warranty on the hyrbird components, lifetime powertrain warranty, and 3 year 36k bumper to bumper.

For the last year or so, I just spend a lot of my extra left over money on workout equipment, or really nice knives or things for around the house, so, obviously my free money to buy whatever I want would be reduced with the $600 car payment.

I am looking for a small truck because I mulch every year and there are still wood chips in my trunk from previous years. I purchase items in bulk and hate how the sharp corners of cardboad boxes threaten my plastics and nice seats. I have a motorcycle that I would like to transport. I have had to jerry rig my trunk over gym equipment and other furnitiure more times then I can count, so a small truck suits my lifestyle.

Should I look for a cheaper, used truck that has been taken care of instead of taking on a $600 car payment? What are your thoughts/advice?