My experience with IPL hair removal

Note: I wouldn't recommend that for people who want UL since this isn't permanent hair removal.

I know it's kinda risky to do hair removal before your consult but I feel like I need to do.. something for phallo already and I know I can accept the time waste if my arm isn't viable. Also I'm sure my hair will grow back eventually and if it won't, oh well whatever.

Finding someone who does electrolysis here is hard, especially someone who takes insurance so I kinda gave up on it mentally. I wouldn't mind a hair here or there and since I don't want UL there's no medical reason for me to get electrolysis. So my plan is laser hair removal and I thought I could start with IPL.

I bought a relatively cheap one from Amazon, I'm not sure if I can recommend it or if I should urge to buy a good one. I mean mine works well for me and it has a cooling function.

I've been using it regularly for a month now. Slide 1-3 are my wanted donor arm 4 days after my last use. There's a small patch where hair seems to grow normally close to my wrist, but you can see hair starting to grow in other places too. Slide 4-5 are my other arm on which I used the device twice two months ago and you can see some hairless spots.