Snag Ball
For letting you catch the Pokemon of Trainers, with some rules for both the target and Trainer:
- Can't be used on "Boss" Trainers (Rival Ivy, Elite Four, Gym Leaders, Admins, etc)
- Can only be used if there's not already a pokemon in a Snag Ball in your current Party
- Friendship of the caught Pokemon (unless Wild) starts at 0/255
- Catch rate equal to a Great Ball (unless used on a Wild Pokemon, then has Catch rate of a Pokeball)
- "Wanted" Item for Player (sprite for Weakness Policy or Red Card) that has a small chance to just not offer the Shop after a Wave due to the theft of a Pokemon and makes nice, more wholesome events (Delibird, Coupon Lady, etc) much more rare
- Changed from "Rocket Ball" to "Snag Ball" as it was pointed out there's a precedent for it