The overconsumption and preying the baby industry does/encourages

I understand this is basically every industry. It’s business. Over the years though as I’ve seen my friends get pregnant, and now am pregnant for the first time myself, I will never get over how much stuff is pushed in order to have a baby.

The lists of “necessities” are crazy and the amount of options for literally everything is overwhelming.

I try to live more minimalist. And I’m dead set to continue that with this child. I’m requesting gently used clothes for our shower and really anything that doesn’t need to be brand new (can’t really think of anything though that can’t really be reused).

Maybe I’m being naive because I haven’t done a deep dive into baby stuff to buy until I’m further along. But from the little I’ve dabbled in, I just can’t believe there are a billion choices of strollers, cribs, car seats, and all the other things I don’t even know about that probably arnt even necessary.

Idk. If anyone has any thoughts or advice on what they for sure feel they need or don’t, feel free to comment! I just for some reason and am extra disgusted with the baby industry stuff.