Is anyone else feeling like they can't stand their pets anymore?

It makes me feel so terrible but at 29 weeks along I'm at my wits end with my cat. I've had her for 4 years and she's always been my fur baby, the object of my adoration, but I get short tempered with her sooooooo easily now. It doesn't help that I think her behavior has changed since I've become pregnant - I'm pretty sure that she has sensed a change and it's made her SO needy.

We have a screened in porch that she and my fiancee's cat both hang out on and she constantly screams to be let out/let in. She will sit at the door and meow at the top of her lungs to be let inside, and then I let her in, and she then she will sit at the door again a minute later and meow at the top of her lungs to be let back outside and this goes on all day long.

She's always been a vocal cat, but her vocalization has drastically increased over the second trimester and it's all day long about everythingggg. She will scream until she gets wet food, only to eat a bite or two and then be done. And she won't stop crying until she gets what she wants. I love her but I don't know what to do. A lot of the time it feels like she just cries to see if she can get me to do what she wants me to do. I've never felt this way about her before getting pregnant so I'm sure it's definitely hormonal, but I'm worried about it not changing or getting worse when the baby is born and is prioritized before her. Can anyone else relate or am I horrible person?

Edit: just editing to add that I would never get rid of her and didn’t say I would in the post. And I still obviously take care of her despite finding her annoying - she always has access to food, water, litter robot keeps the the litter clean 24/7, gets treats everyday, has a huge cat tree inside and one outdoors, lots of toys, gets along great with my fiancée’s boy cat and has access to a big patio