About to start first dose
Hello all, been reading through the subreddit and getting some good info from others but wanting to get some specific questions answered. I trialed Effexor and couldn’t handle the side effects (extreme nausea, insomnia, dizziness) and now my doctor is looking to have me try a normal SSRI vs an SNRI. My biggest issue with Effexor was the nausea. When discussing with my doctor the med options I had he mentioned that Prozac is less upsetting to your GI tract that Effexor and some other antidepressants.
For those that have started recently or remember your on-boarding, how bad was the nausea and dizziness? I expect the insomnia at first as I did have that on Effexor but I’m hoping for less severe side effects in order to give this med a chance. Thanks for any insight!