Daily Log Including Switch to 20mg

Day 1 Prozac: Felt normal, as in how I usually do. Towards the end of the night, I was tired, but when trying to sleep, I couldn't. I kept waking up throughout the night and had weird dreams, but that's nothing abnormal. I was fatigued the following day. Overall Happiness: 6.1/10

Day 2 Prozac: Pretty standard once again. I didn't feel anything unusual. I hung out with friends and had a good time, which was achievable before taking my meds. Overall Happiness: 7.6/10

Day 3 Prozac: Felt normal all day. Around 6:25 pm, I dissociated for a while. I assume it's the meds; I don't know why else. My friends commented on my actions and speech as unusual and different from usual. That bothers me because I don't like that my consciousness could change, but maybe it's something I should look forward to. Overall Happiness: 5/10

Day 4 Prozac: Nothing different. I'm tired, but that's very normal for me. Hoping something happens soon. I'm a little annoyed. I'm not feeling side effects that much. I'd like to have something happen to know that it may be working. I may increase the dosage to 20mg daily in the next week. Overall happiness: 6.1/10

Day 5 Prozac: Nothing else new. I slept weirdly and had difficulty falling back asleep a few times throughout the night after waking up. I felt a slightly more upbeat vibe, but I'm sure. Overall happiness: 6.6/10

Day 6 Prozac: I felt normal...again. I'm hoping something changes soon. Overall happiness: 6.8/10

Day 7 Prozac: I felt pretty decent, and I'm becoming more social. Like, I'd like to talk to people, but I don't go into it thinking about how they will judge me because I don't care right now. Overall happiness: 7.6

Day 8 Prozac: Today was the best day so far; I ran around because I was busy and social all day. It's getting easier to talk to people so far. I also attended my first finance club meeting and had no issues talking to members and introducing myself. Overall happiness 7.9/10

Day 9 Prozac: Hard to tell; I was down since I got sick but did not feel too bad all day. Overall happiness: 6.7/10

Day 10 Prozac: Same old-same old. I think I am in a manic episode or something. I am constantly making sure my room is in tip-top shape, and I am very routine right now, especially with work, the gym, class, and everything else. I finish all my tasks by 2–2:30 pm every day and then don't know what to do. Overall happiness: 7/10

Day 11 Prozac: Again, very routine and manic. I finished everything by 2:00 pm. I think I had a lot more anxiety today towards the end, but in the beginning, I was okay. Overall happiness: 6.3/10

Day 12 Prozac: Honestly, I am on the come-up. I can see things to spiral about, but I do not anymore. I know they're there, but I don't find it worth spiraling. The most significant known change has been my social anxiety. I find it 10x easier to talk with individuals, friends or not. This part is what I enjoy the most. Overall happiness: 8/10

Day 13 Prozac: Not a good day; I felt way too manic and had a bad episode with my girlfriend. I felt hopeless and scared. Overall happiness: 3/10

Day 14 Prozac: Recovered with the girlfriend. I felt free before the argument was resolved. Not in a bad way, just an "I know who I am and what I deserve" way. Overall happiness: 6.3/10

Day 15 Prozac: Had fun with friends. Relaxed after completing homework. I was productive all day. Overall happiness: 7.5/10

Day 16 Prozac: Asked girlfriend to be my Valentine. I felt good all day and productive. I watched a friend's baseball game. Went to Asheville for a dinner date with girlfriend. It was a good day; I fell asleep early. Overall happiness: 7.8/10

Day 17 Prozac: Not a great day; I didn't feel productive, didn't eat well, and was ready to be back on track during the week. I am looking forward to doing better as soon as possible. Overall happiness: 6/10

Day 18 Prozac: I'm starting to feel like I need to up my dosage. It doesn't work as much as I'd like. I'm actively participating in therapy so that I will keep that up, but I would like to discuss upping to 20mg. Overall happiness: 7/10

Day 19 Prozac: Again, I feel like I need to up my dosage. Social anxiety has decreased, but personal spiraling and overthinking are the same. Overall happiness: 7/10

Day 20 Prozac: Same thing. Scheduled an appointment to up my dosage as well as boosters for ADHD like an instant release in the afternoon. Overall happiness: 7/10

Day 21 Prozac: Attended therapy and scheduled a doctor's appointment. I'm still productive; I think it's due to the Vyvanse. Overall happiness: 7.3/10

Day 22 Prozac: I'm ready to up my dosage; I am taking this medicine every day and feel no different towards my mental health. The Vyvanse, I think, since it increases dopamine, is helping, but the Prozac, I am not sure. Overall happiness: 6/10

Day 23 Prozac: Didn't do much, laid around with girlfriend all day. Toward the end of the night, I felt a lot of anxiety, and I was looking forward to meeting with the doctor on Monday to discuss the increase in dosage for both medicines. Overall happiness: 7/10

Day 24 Prozac: It was decent; I felt productive for everything I had planned this week and noticed bad mood changes towards the end of the day. I would like this to change since I hate being in a good mood and then dropping into a horrible mood and becoming extremely irritable. Overall happiness: 5.5/10

Day 25 Prozac - Last 10mg Day: Looking forward to today, I will increase my Prozac dosage most likely and might add a booster (instant release) in the afternoons for my ADHD. Looking forward to the Prozac increase, I want to decrease my anxiety as much as possible. Overall happiness: 7/10

Day 1 20mg Prozac: I'm tired, exhausted. But I'm not sure if that's the medicine. I assume it is not since I took it only 4-5 hours ago. Truthfully, I'm nervous to start 20mg. I don't want harmful side effects; I want this to be a smooth transition. I'll stay positive and not think too much about the potential risks or drawbacks. Update the next day/morning: I did not sleep well. I read when taking this medicine that oftentimes, there are experiences with insomnia, but this was new. I usually fall asleep around 11:45, but I wasn't even close to tired then. I fell asleep for 20 minutes around 1:45 and then in and out for the rest of the night until 5:35 in the morning. Hopefully, this improves; it is not fun. Overall happiness: 6.5/10