Pain is weakness leaving the body!
Hour 72 of a cold turkey quit from 25 grams per day. I coach kids sports and I always tell them pain is weakness leaving the body. That mantra has been part of getting me through this. Turning suffering from feeling meaningless to productive. Quitting this is so much a physical healing, but also a mental battle (a winnable one) and the mind is very powerful in either direction. Im trying remind myself all this pain is my body doing the tough job of ridding me of this poison….like pulling a bad tooth. Obviously this type of thinking is difficult and not a cure all but damn does it sure help me at least. You guys got this! I recognize many on here are quitting from a higher use amount so I’m here to help with any support needed! Prayers for you all 🙏🏼
Edit: on hour 120 now! Not feeling like I’m sick anymore but mostly just slight RLS and insomnia and of course fatigue. Convicted of never touching this stuff again