Unbelievable Transformation

If y’all read my prior posts you know I just spent the past 10 days helping a friend quit Kratom. I’ve been here for every minute of his w/drawals, agitation, sobbing, laughing, coughing, sneezing, agony & insisting he can’t go another day and yet…

Here we are at Day 11 and he just went back to work. But I noticed something about him this morning. In the kitchen- I looked up and noticed his skin is bright white & clear. His blue eyes have life back in them again and were borderline TWINKLING.

He looks nothing like the ashen, grey, faded, jaundiced, dead eyed, lifeless body he used to inhabit. He’s no longer dull & near death looking - but borderline vibrant and alive in appearance.

Kratom really is a robber of everything GOOD.

He’s been pushing all healthy foods - no junk - together with a multivitamin & high protein shakes the past 10 days - and working out. But the difference is surreal. I ordered a 5x8 flat mirror to be delivered from Walmart today and I’m going to give it to him when he gets home from work. Because HE NEEDS TO SEE WHAT I NOW SEE.

Folks who are in the thick of it - desperate to hang on - know that this gets so much better - if you can just hold on one more day. Every time he wanted to relapse I would sit beside him and say: “Ok but, for God, can you suffer just 1 more day, that’s all He asks - as He provides for us daily - that we just DO TODAY.”

And my friend would always say: “Well yeah - I can do just one more day…”

Now he’s back at work, laughing again and his physical difference IN JUST HIS FACE is incredible.

Hold on, folks. The pain you’re experiencing cannot compare to the joy & wellness coming your way - so much sooner than you think it will.

Just hold on one more day - just for today. Love to all on this same struggle bus deep in it with the shovel of trouble. Keep digging - you’ll get there - if only you don’t give up on YOU! You’re worth it. ❤️