Day 2. This is unpleasant

Ahoy. Day 2. Off extracts/powder. Woof. I'm not feeling great. Sleep sucks. Body can't pick a temperature. Might sleep in the tub tonight. But fuck. I feel like I don't have a choice. Long ago I asked the universe to give me an awakening. I asked god/source/life to help me be the truth and live it. Careful what you wish for eh? Again... Woof. I feel very... Warrior-monk about this. I'm doing mantra, I'm doing my best to be present and not resist. I am Odysseus and this is my odyssey. I suppose this even took me ten years to come to as I've been using that long. Woof. Thanks for the support and words everyone. I can't go back. God this sucks. Existence feels like a chore and my body wants to explode. Be here now. Love you guys. I now understand the rambling day 2-4 messages on here. Brain is zapped. Take care everyone. Don't use today.