My gf thought Reacher was a CW show
So some context. Im a huge Reacher fan. Read every book and Persuader is by far my favorite. My gf has never seen the shows nor read the books. I asked her to watch this show with me and she saw i was excited and we started watching!
As i watched, trying to contain my mix of giddyness and perplexion (often times trying not to word vomit out every change from the book to the show) my gf was kinda bored with the show. After the second episode she genuinely said "is this a CW show? I thought we were watching an Amazon Original?"
And it hit me. The show's quality wasn't as high as i thought. There are lots of talking and explaining scenes. We had to rewatch a scene where Reacher and Duffy walk and talk in a street recounting events, 2 times. Its a near 10 minute scene of mono dialogue.
I tried to argue against her, but in the back of my mind I couldn't escape thay nagging feeling that "Book reacher is way cooler and better than show Reacher". And now im trying to piece together why.
I think show reacher is missing a lot of Internal Dialogue that makes book Reacher so captivating. Ive had many discussions with fellow redditors and we agreed that while Reacher showed Bond-esque tendencies, he is at heart a Sherlockian Holmes investigator. But we dont get that in the show. Instead we get a single flat emotion, roided out, handsome af mf. Now while i could go into detail about the myriad of differences between show vs book Reacher, the core message my gf said to me that i will repeat to you is:
"Reacher should show us more and say less. The dialogue is all just npc/cw explanations."
And she is right. Without the Internal Dialogue, its hard to see how he thinks about scenarios, how he solves issues and problems. They try to fix this with his calls to duffy (which should be clumsily written texts on a nokia, but i digress) but it just turns into explain-a-thons.
Sooo yeah. Something i realized. Its a shame one of my all time favorite books is a show that bores us to death, but ill turn my brain off i suppose to watch it; though begrudgingly. I wanted Reacher to be more of a detective thriller, but its an Action Brain Drain