Ramona in Morocco is giving me second hand embarrassment, and she just got there (S4)
Holy s😧
The car ride alone to where they were staying. “This is the bad part of town…” “All i see is poverty, i dont know about this…”
Then when they get to their destination, the way she’s acting after somebody is already helping her unpack. Which by the way is ridiculous, because that’s not even necessary. But whatever, it’s the real housewives.
If these were the BH ones everyone would have a glam team lol
Anywho… this woman just got to that country and in less than a few hours has just insulted the country, said nothing but stupidities and has acted with an air of superiority that makes me wanna throw a pie in her face.
Holy s😧
The car ride alone to where they were staying. “This is the bad part of town…” “All i see is poverty, i dont know about this…”
Then when they get to their destination, the way she’s acting after somebody is already helping her unpack. Which by the way is ridiculous, because that’s not even necessary. But whatever, it’s the real housewives.
If these were the BH ones everyone would have a glam team lol
Anywho… this woman just got to that country and in less than a few hours has just insulted the country, said nothing but stupidities and has acted with an air of superiority that makes me wanna throw a pie in her face.