Feeling confused after blacking out

Not really sure if this is the best place to put this, but I’ve just been feeling anxious after a party I went to Friday. I generally feel like I can keep pretty good track of my drinking when going out, but I blacked out out of nowhere and ended up throwing up for hours, and dealt with one of the worst hangovers I’ve ever experienced the next day. Basically trying to stay awake while incredibly nauseous while drifting in and out of sleep. It was rough.

I finally rallied around 8 last night though and was able to make it to a calmer get together with some of the people who were at the party. They knew I was drunk Friday but didn’t know (or see) the extent of how bad it got.

I’m mostly just left confused about it all. I only had 1 and a half cups of dark and stormys, hand poured by myself (I had a very heavy pour but nothing crazy I thought). After the first cup I felt the alcohol, might have been tipsy. I remember drinking a bit of the second cup and talking to a friend while feeling borderline drunk/tipsy, and then nothing else after that. I also had a cocktail at a restaurant like 2.5 hours before all of this, but that was pretty much out of my system already.

I came to a bit in the bathroom after throwing up an unknown about of time later, and then I also remember throwing up outside, then having my ride walk me up to my apartment and my girlfriend guiding me to the toilet to throw up more.

Then I woke up the next morning.

I just feel weird about it all. I don’t remember doing these insane pours in my drinks but it’s just startling. I haven’t blacked out in like a year, same with throwing up. And I’ve never blacked out this suddenly. But I also wasn’t closely measuring my drinks and don’t have any memory of what I did, less memory than even when I’ve blacked out before. Everything is like a complete void to me.

Just a bit scary that I got that bad, and also that I have no clue how I got there. Feeling weird