Hi, I’m Conor, lead singer from Nothing But Thieves and I’m here to chat about our new album Dead Club City and all things music – AMA!

We started playing music together back in 2012, it’s mad to think that we are now on our 4th album! Getting old. The process for this record was a bit different as we ended up building a studio from scratch and Dom (guitarist from the band) recorded and produced it, it’s been a labour of love and we're so glad it's out for everyone to listen to. You can listen to our new album here - https://nbthiev.es/deadclubcityRT and follow us on socials here if you fancy it - https://nbthiev.es/socialsRT

PROOF: https://i.redd.it/zoinmtzqsy9b1.jpg

I will answer your questions today, at 7 pm BST/2 pm ET on Wednesday 5th July!