I fear I hate my Wife
I fear I hate my wife.
I resent her selfishness, her anxiety, her inability to say what she thinks or feels or wants, her judgment, her neediness. I am angry that she seems to want to love me without doing anything remotely resembling loving me.
I crave her approval, but she withholds her affection. We go to counseling and she blames other people (her mother, mostly). She preaches feminist politics but avoids all but the minimum household labor. She uses me when what she wants is a father. She travels solo constantly (obviously self sufficient), has a higher paying job than me (but doesn't buy anything we share).
I'm trying to understand her point of view, learning all sorts of therapy phases and insights, and doing my best to lower my expectations. But frankly I have a strong hunch I'd be better off on my own.
I know, I know, be quiet and suck it up. Don't be a little bitch and accept a shallow, inconsistent love from a vain princess until I get congestive heart failure and die at 63.