I'm Greek. Now what?

I will warn you that this is a heavy doomer post, but I am tired of not seeing the topic of non-US countries and their future coming up in the AGI debate.

I am a 20 year old Greek college kid from a typical Athens middle-class background (Greek "middle class"= American lower-middle class to working class, just to be clear). No one knows, not just in Greece, but the entire EU what is coming, and how fast it's going to come. Our government so far is only afraid of the misinformation aspect of AI, as well as it being used for cheating in schools. The poor guys don't know what is coming, and I genuinely feel bad about them having to run the country when AGI comes and how helpless they will be. Most of them come from the party youths, they aren't savvy tech-users.

I don't even want to bring up the the EU because of how angry it makes me. I am angry with the naive European Soc-dem parties who for 50 years treated capitalism as a necessary evil to be managed at all costs and who put pensions and the welfare state above innovation. They are primarily the reason generations of Northern and Eastern Europeans didn't develop an entrepreneur spirit. I am angry with our dumbf@ck commie parties who still struggled on even after the wall fell and poisoned all our discourse. I am angry with the German Greens who convinced the Germans to abandon nuclear with arguments straight out of the hippie movement from the 70's. I am angry with the Nazis for turning us all into gigantic pussies. Ursula still thinks there is time, but once shit hits the fan she will 100% scram and try to save her country against the wave, like all Germans have done whenever a crises has happened. In other words, I don't think the EU is going to manage to carry through and it's soon going to be every country for itself.

My family has no idea what is coming, nor who Sam Altman is. My girlfriend has no idea what is coming and what AGI is. I don't even know what to tell them, ignorance is bliss. I don't have a zero clue how this is going to impact the Balkans and the non-developed European countries, or just Europe in general. I don't have a state above my head that I 100% know will take care of me and my family, or even a continental union at this point. I do realize that if we rely on Musk and Altman for UBI this will make us practically enslaved to the Americans, we already are in a way, but this is going to be brutal. All national self-respect and decency will finally be gone. And I don't even want to get started on the gene modification technology that is going to start becoming more common in the future, and how this is going to make us even more inferior to the Americans. I don't know a single person in my proximity who will be able to afford it for their children.

To be clear, I doubt all jobs will be gone in Greece, just the important ones. We aren't exactly known for ultra-efficiency. Tourist shops will probably still exist, or Taxi drivers (this guys have a cartel here, AI will kiss their ass like Uber did), restaurants or even farmers. That is, if we don't die. Public servants are probably cooked but no one will care for them tbh, they already practically live the UBI life. I imagine schools integrating AI for teaching, but AI teachers might seem too weird and alien for Greeks. But yeah, social mobility will die and so will the possibility of immigrating to another country and this will absolutely destroy us. Immigration has been the last resort for Greeks since antiquity. And Greeks also have a very good experience with unemployment, and know perfectly well how it looks like: It sucks. It's humiliating.

Every single dream I ever had has been absolutely crushed. The future is a big blank, I don't have a zero clue what I want to do in my life after I learnt knowledge work was going to be the first to go and it's not like low-skilled work pays well in Greece. We're a tourist based economy. "Become a founder" isn't good advice for someone like me. All I can do is watch. My hatred for American silicon valley tech-bros has sky rocketed, because I know they simply consider themselves superior to me and my countrymen and don't care about what's going to happen. I am worried we are about to see an anti-American sentiment across the globe because of this, because it's painfully obvious they want to play god.