Teens are always misrepresented in media

This issue has been crawling at my skin ever since I learned what a teenager was.

Teens are always written horribly and inaccurately in media. I would say even articles that claim to be accurate have either very outdated or inaccurate information.

Even media directed towards teens writes teens so horribly it makes me want to claw my eyes out. How do you fuck up a character so badly? We are either portrayed/treated as naive idiots, emotional crybabies, alcoholics, annoying brats, people who don't have actual issues or know anything about themselves, or a literal pron category.

When they learn something about teens, they exaggerate it so much to the point where it is horribly inaccurate. A lot of us are desperate for love and affection, but that does not mean someone is going to meet up with a random stranger from another country in the name of love. Even the dumbest of naive 12 year olds would probably laugh at you for that. A lot of us watch school sports or participate in dances, but we do not fight over them or take them that seriously. Not a lot of people like their parents, but they don't wish death on them and we at least have somewhat of a reason for not liking them.

Sometimes I wonder if these people were even teenagers in the first place because of how genuinely bad they write them.

It's even more annoying when an article on teens misrepresents them. Yes, I understand hormones make you more emotional and vulnerable, but that does not mean every teenager is a naive crybaby because this VARIES person to person, just like with pretty much everything. Some people probably wouldn't care if you killed their whole family and burned their house down. Others will whine and bark at you for breathing on them too hard and hate you forever because of it.

No, I am not saying teens are adults, but the way we are portrayed is absurd and I can't be the only one who thinks this. I thought of this as an issue since I was a little, liiiittle kid. Am I just lucky and haven't met these kinds of people or is this an actual issue. Or am I just being overdramatic. Please tell me I'm not the only person who thinks this.