Life without tirz so far..

So, money has most definitely been a factor in this from day one for me... and i had always known that 7.5 would be about as far as I would be able to go with it, and once that stopped working, I would just accept the progress that was made and take a break. I had hoped I would not gain too much back during that time, and then maybe when I was ready, I would start again from square one with the thinking that maybe once the drug cleared my system, my tolerance to it would reset and then I could start again with lower doses...and if I was really lucky, get those initial drops again.

My pause actually came sooner than I had planned because when I logged in to make my next order it was either the day of , or the day after it got pulled from the list because i had literally just checked the prices a day or 2 prior , planning for my order...and when i logged in, card in hand ..the places that were still offering it had priced me out of the game. I got in somewhere around 3-4 months total. I know this isnt much. I did not log my last dose, i should have, but im going to go with 10/2 since that was D day...and I also remember being frustrated because i had been so close to the next "decade" down... which lines up with that perfectly.

So anyway, that would mean I have been off of Tirz for a little over a month and a half and I've kind of sworn off the scale for a lot of it..(which also lines up with the date) ...But I have just been too afraid to look...

This A.M I felt brave. So without further wait, here are my stats:

SW:197.7 Weight as of 10/2 : 161.8 Today : 153.6

Honestly, i do eat a bit more than I did on tirz, ...I even had one big Dominos moment along the way...however I try and still be very mindful and I only eat when I am hungry. I find something to do to distract myself when i feel noise wanting to creep in, and so far, so good. I like to paint... it works quite well as a distraction for me.

I watch my portions. I'm not too concerned about carbs.. I've always found the Calories in vs. Calories out method to be the most effective for me. Less depriving myself of things that I like = more control over cravings and cheats (at least for me) . I know results vary.

I realize that the prices have gotten back to pretty much the same as they were, and I may take advantage because i know it could change again at any moment.....but so far, I really don't miss it that much...or really at all. I don't feel I need it at this moment in time though im not that long into life without. As long as I'm still losing and not gaining...even if not at the same rate I was, I don't have much to complain about. Where I am now is livable and I no longer hate my reflection. I'm actually quite pleased.

I don't feel the same as I did before Tirz, and I don't feel the same as I did while on it. I'm not exhausted for one.... Huge plus....that was starting to take a toll.

I kind of feel like Tirz was the tool that I needed to get me back on track with portion control and to motivate me with changes I could actually see.

I know others worry about stopping should that day come..and Lord knows I almost had an anxiety attack when i realized I had been stopped dead in my tracks...and I am not saying that this will be the experience for everyone if they stop, but it's mine so far, and hopefully someone finds it useful.