the gofundme situation is not that deep

just imagine you lost half of your family in the most horrible way possible and on top of that you have nowhere to go, no one to confide in that u actually trust enough. ON TOP of all of that, you now have to possibly worry abt medical bills accumulating every minute that passes while still in extreme poverty.

THEN its brought to your attention that the ppl who actually want to help you are getting scammed by trolls who are making fake gofundmes… so you make it aware to ur supporters NOT to send money to random gofundmes but instead DIRECTLY send money TO THE PERSON WHO NEEDS THE HELP…

then ppls immediate reaction to that is “all she cares abt is money where is ur mom”….

lets use our brains for a second INSTEAD of immediately finding something to attack tophia for.

idk if yall think she got rich overnight and is now trying to con ppl out of money bc thats most certainly not the case. she is still broke :) she is still struggling financially ON TOP of her mother being shot and her brother murdered. yet when she wants to come out and say how to PROPERLY financially support them then yall wanna turn around and say “all she cares sbt is money”. LIKE SHE IS LITERALLY WARNING YALL TO HELP YALL NOT GET SCAMMED AND SOMEHOW SOME OF YOU HAVE TURNED IT AROUND TO PAINT HER AS THE SCAMMER. make it make sense.

tophia needs financial support more then ever right now, and her correcting and calling out the wrongs of other ppl who are literally taking ur money is all of a sudden her scamming ppl?

her fucking mother is in the hospital and yall rlly think at this time, tophia is thinking of ways to scam us. yall are worse than the ppl yall call out.

but if she didnt say anything then ppl would ask “where did all the money go” NOT TO HER BC IF SHE CALLS OUT HOW YALL ARE BEING SCAMMED THEN IT MUST BE HER SHE IS THE SCAMMER. in yalls eyes, she cant do anything right.

also, she doesnt owe ANY of us an explanation on HER MOTHERS status. just bc someone puts 80% of their life on social media doesnt mean we are obligated to see the 20%. she will update us abt her MOTHER when SHE wants to. maybe one of the reasons she doesn’t want to say anything else abt her mother is bc of how FAST yall judge and over analyze EVERYTHING she does.

if u have a problem with tophia making sure she gets proper financial help in this time when she needs it the most… ouu diva that says more abt u then it does her.

donating to her ONCE isnt u signing up for a lifetime subscription. stop making her getting help financially something to frown upon.