Got catcalled for the first time

So, I was biking to work today in fem mode (MTF) and a guy in a pickup truck honked his horn and held a thumbs up out the window... Thought that was the end. 20 mins later I got to a tiny cross and the same truck drove by me, turned and blocked me off from crossing. This 40-50 y/o man got out his car and offered to buy me an orange at the orange stand right there, calling me babe. I refused, and he said "well atleast let me give you a ride"... I said no thank you and slammed on my pedals to get away. Felt awful, told some friends at work and they all responded "Well you are the one who chose to be a woman" as if it was no big deal.

***Edit: Thanks for all of the support, definitely helped me deal with the emotions of what happened quite a bit