Female Gamers has the toxicity levels of misogynistic harassment dwindled?

What does the current state of gaming look like for female players. I don’t play online multiplayer games as often like I used too nor do i watch streams. So I can only theorize and go off past experiences with the information iknow but that’s all so long ago so. Im genuinely curious do you guys still go through daily creepy messages or having to deal with (SA) on a regular basis. Are men/boys accustomed to the presence of female players or do they completely lose their mind when they hear you on voice chat?? Do you feel respected, safe, etc….. what has or hasn’t changed? What has gotten better? give me all the details and loop me inn…

I have a young daughter who’s becoming more interested in gaming and it’s a slight concern of mine and iknow how guys online can be. + the wife seems to be outgrowing interest in telltale games as they’re not many games available compared to other genres.