What is the best version of Capcom vs. SNK 2?
I've never played CvS2, even though I've heard many times that it's one of, if not the best fighting game of the twenty-first century (That's not true. Not because it's a subjective choice, but because Marvel vs. Capcom 2 has yet to be topped). I've played the ever-loving hell out of CvS1 on my Dreamcast back in the day, but never got around to playing 2. With the upcoming release of Capcom Fighting Collection 2 (which includes CvS2) in May, it got me thinking, what is the best/definitive way to play the game?
I've never played CvS2, even though I've heard many times that it's one of, if not the best fighting game of the twenty-first century (That's not true. Not because it's a subjective choice, but because Marvel vs. Capcom 2 has yet to be topped). I've played the ever-loving hell out of CvS1 on my Dreamcast back in the day, but never got around to playing 2. With the upcoming release of Capcom Fighting Collection 2 (which includes CvS2) in May, it got me thinking, what is the best/definitive way to play the game?