Why does nobody talk about RE4VR (quest version)?!?
I'm genuinely enjoying it more than Half life: Alyx. It's just so fun; RE4 is already a masterpiece and it feels like a perfect-ish fit for VR. "But it's quest exclusive" yeah, i agree exclusivity sucks, but let's be real the quest series is the most popular line of VR headsets, most of the community has access to this game. Yet i don't see it given the love it deserves imo. It's quickly become my favourite VR game of all time.
I hadn't played it before because i didn't see that much hype towards it, atleast only as much hype as VR youtubers give to games that, in my opinion, are just mediocre (no games to name in particular; just tired of the overhyping nature of a lot of the community tbh), so i assumed it was just another okay game in the sea of okay games that use the technology. But i was wrong, VERY wrong.
I love half life alyx; it's probably objectively the best made VR game ever. But damn is just letting loose in RE4 VR SO much fun. It's unmatched, imo.
I haven't played the remake VR version since i don't own a PSVR 2, but most people say they prefer it, so it must also be great! Just wish both games were on PCVR too and not exclusives...