The command palette is my favorite Vivaldi feature. What's yours?
My mind doesn't do well remembering a lot of keyboard shortcuts, but I am a fast typist and I do remember command names very well. I love the way the command palette lets me fly through bookmarks and open tabs.
Other features I like about Vivaldi, making it my favorite browser: - Tabs at the bottom. - Tab previews - Support for Chromme extensions - I like the ability to sync bookmarks to the iPhone and iPad.
A feature I want to make more use of: - The dashboard. I've been complaining for a couple of years that browser bookmarks have been languishing. Not just Vivaldi — all browsers. Developers are tying themseles into pretzels with tab groups and persistent tabs and stacks, when bookmarks are right there as a great way to save links you want to return to. Well, it seems to me that Dashboard could be the answer to that problem, combining the best of bookmarks and other means of organizing links.
Features I don't use but maybe should: - Tab groups and stacks. I dunno — I just don't get it.
How about you? What are your favorite Vivaldi features? I've been using this browser about nine months and I feel like I could be getting more from it.