bridesmaids help WWYD
my fh cousin asked me to be her bridesmaid for her wedding. i was super excited and i said yes. fast foward a couple months and i found out i was pregnant and she actually told em the maid of honor was also pregnant! i ended up not going on her bachelorette because of certain pregnancy con and my fh not thinking it was a good idea for me to go outside of the country at 32 weeks BUT i paid my fair share for the airbnb, a guided tour, and even sending money to pay for some of their drinks/dinner since i didn’t end up going. the bride gave all the bridesmaids a beach bag with personalized items in it and she never gave me mine. i know she already had mine because i let her know i wasn’t going only a few days before the trip. the trip ended up going horribly due to the brides attitude and i’m glad i didn’t go.
fast forward to her wedding, i made it there 40 weeks pregnant - it was a destination wedding but still in the state so i made it. she told me and the moh that she didn’t want to hear baby talk during her day.
it’s now time for my wedding and i got a bridesmaid proposal box for her but i haven’t given it to her even though i’ve given it to the rest of my girls. a mutual friend has told me that she was speaking ill of me because i was pregnant the whole time. the bride of the wedding i was in is now pregnant and i’m happy for her. i can’t help but feel like she doesn’t deserve to be part of my day because she wasn’t nice to me during my pregnancy, she stopped hanging out w me once i got pregnant, she never gave me the bach bag, and now this friend is telling me she was talking shit about me. on the other hand, she’s related to my fh so i know that if i don’t ask her, she’s going to feel a way about it. i also can’t help feeling like she started being all friendly w me bc she’s no pregnant and wanted someone who could relate to her. wwyd?