I hate being FA
Recife, Brazil
Por quê alguns gringos não entendem português, mas nós entendemos?
South American Population Density (2024)
Regions in Europe with at least one mosque
Con esa necesidad innata de perjudicar al prójimo, Adivinen la nacionalidad 🧐
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Extremally accurate map of Brazil
When the joke about Jews is so good that everyone tells me to tell it in HR
¿Qué será de Occidente? :-(
Countries with the most Arab ancestry in the Americas
O sonho do homem é passar em concurso e casar com uma assim
I think something is bound to HAPPEN
Brasileños que tan popular es este discurso 💀
What do you mean "too"?
Enslaved population of Brazil in 1872
Population of the Roman Empire (C. 165 CE)
From which region of the continent came the enslaved africans in Brazil
Main foreigners in the Empire of Brazil (by first Brazilian census in 1872)
Population Density Of The 13 American Colonies In 1775
How was your first love? I am not asking this to know about the rejection, but to know the "good things" you felt
My GF doesn't love me and it's because I'm ugly
Map of Brazil with certain regions being Games