Normal behaviour?
Fever dream teiknimyndir
Fjarnám í háskóla
Ms með tölurnar á hreinu
Viktor Traustason er alveg solid
Grófustu Íslensku blótsyrðin?
Most Popular Female Baby name in Europe (2023)
Had to stop working out for 5 months
Hvort berið þið bugles fram sem böggless eða bjúgúls?
Hi guys! or gals, can I get some answers on, "why do you gym?"
Áfengis drykkir?
Sýnt og sagt frá, Montrassar á mánudegi
Made myself a Bubinga stave snare last week!
Hvar finn ég single blade razors?
What is better/ more nutritious for you 30g of protein worth of eggs or a 30g protein shake?
I'm losing my mind regarding the ANC on the WF-XM4
What key of harmonica do I need for this solo? Starts roughly at 45 seconds.
Íslensk cringe vídjó
Imagine telling someone this an hour into a first date.......
More moving breaks
When the Baby Cows think the Dog is a Big Cow
How do you handle friends talking behind your back?
Hvaða Stuðmannalag er best?
Er ég sá eini?
Looking for good drummer albums. Tony Allen,...