If synthetic humans were real, would you prefer they be like WY's droids, human-passing, or like the Working Joes where you instantly know its a synth?
What the actual fuck is wrong with survivors today?
I don't care if this gets hate, I'm willing to die on this hill. Feel free to discuss
New killer
Tips for Hag?
Haven't played DBD in ages, who is that killer?
Just finished game for the first time as my first horror game!Other game recommendations??
Lethal pursuer should give haste during the initial aura reading
Are you cooked or Nah?
It makes me so happy when I see a map offering when I use a sac ward.
Asking out huntress tomorrow, how do I look?
Do aliens really exist?
This is legit kind of nutty.
Rate my Pinhead build
Midwich is the worst map in the game
What’s everyone’s favourite chase perks? I’ll go first:
Singularity Build Suggestions
I’m out of memes I need some
Im going to miss pinhead players
How do we feel about the new Eyrie map and changes?
They killed Xenomorph
You are now the therapist of your killer/survivor main. Hows it going?
What’s a killer you have fun playing but suck at?
'Mercy or Prudence?' Achievement question
I always loved those niche/horrible perks, they have such a charm and a special aura besides everything, even tho i've tried to rework some of the most obnoxious of them, what you guys thinks?