My brand new luggage after one flight
This latest incident feels like a sign to cancel my flight.
Getting on my first plane in a few hours, I’m super scared
Facing My Lifelong Fear of Flying for Love – Need Support!
I hate when people say its a quarter till 9PM.. Man just say its 8:75pm. 😭
What piece of stationery kicked off your habit?
34,000 feet in the air atm! for another 2 hours!
Getting back on track
In “defense” of tophia
DL0480 delay
how soon should you arrive to an airport before boarding/departure?
Last minute change from Airbus to Boeing….
My Final Thoughts about 3/11/25
Empathy goes along way
the gofundme situation is not that deep
Tophia talking about the go fund me
Tomorrows the day
Glory to the usa
Do yall get migraines when u cough?? Or just me??
Proof of the archimedean property. I am not sure how to conclude the part marked in blue.
Goodnotes vs pen and papers. For math/physics classes, who would win?
TOMORROW! and i feel actually more excited than nervous?
Why do they hate children so much?