Any value here?
Gold star mewtwo with some damage. What do y'all think the price will be?
What would these Korean cards be priced at?
Gold star mewtwo price?
Are these worth anything?
SnorlaxVmax secret rare RAW
Hey guys can someone help me?
Would this be a 10 for PSA
I was wondering if there were any cards that stood out.
That time I lost my beloved major and both my arms in a war and decided to become a typewriter.
My JoJo poster tribute
Kyogre on me 9965 0724 6539
Tapu fini on me -9965 0724 6539
Every single time.
Tapu bubu on me -996507246539 to join
I just want friends. My code is 9965 0724 6539
Somewhere at nhentai (:
The way i see it, there are two types of people
Finally got my first manga! :D
Hosting a cobalion raid 9965 0724 6539