Who would win in a battle?
I don’t think people understand how absurd this actually is…
Been almost 3 years since the GOAT performed a foot away from me.
Another actor found in GTA VI
We’re the Pre-Release Gang… and We’re About to Go Extinct
If you could have ONE thing from night city…what would it be and why?
Would you do this steak any differently? My mother cooked hers some more after I served it up.
Be honest, did you maybe lost a bit of hype for now?
what is the first thing you will test/do in GTA 6?
The showrunner needs to be careful with comments like these
who I would cast if Breaking Bad was live action
The “Johnnyfication” of my boy, from Act 1-3. How do y’all change your V’s look/style over the course of the game?
By far the darkest mission I have ever played in any game.
What's your i'll-be-there-no-matter-what director? [M Night Shyamalan]
How you feel about $toschi ?
I love this community. That is all.
We gonna make it to 50 cent ?
Favorite legendary actor/director duos?
What are the funniest kendrick lyrics in your opinion?
Bravest move on MCU
It's Friday, post your last four watched
The 10 most anticipated films of 2025 by Letterboxd users.
By Feb 6 we will know if GTA 6 will be delayed or not