Looking for Story Thread #272
Little Minmus landing
Ok i changed my opinion on city lights
Launched the crew and lander separately because I was too lazy to design a larger rocket. Time for a landing!! You can see the upper stage that delivered the lander into orbit in the background, any extra fuel in it was transferred over for the injection and insertion burns I'll be doing.
Can't beat the Mach Loop!
A Soyuz rocket and spacecraft I made with the Making History parts DLC and ReStock parts. Any suggestions on what to change/add to further improve the design?
Luka's not (that) gay
What's the coolest tank you've seen in person?
what an achievment
At what number of nukes is it noteworthy enough to make it your player card?
The Saviors of Skalga [2]
It is such a shame this tiny fast little Fun bastard of a Tank, which could basically be a Low tier M18, is so fucked over by Fighting T-34s and Shermans, while its struggling around with 60mm pen AP that does nothing even if it does pen....
Why does nobody talk about the M4A1 HVSS?
Georgian T-72 tanks with local anti-thermal camouflage suit
Forsen's kcd2 gameplay
What do Georgians think and know about the UK and British people?
You are now able to wear the slimed body suit bundle. You haven't been able to wear this bundle in almost 7 years. We are so back.
What does this say? It’s a hoodie from Bassiani
Why were the british so obsessed with contra rotating props in the 40’s?
The Finest Little Honky Tonk on Skalga [9]
Don’t get me banned, thanks