I filled the Role/Reception chart using only characters I love
Favorite Squid Game! DAY 5 - Stepping Stones
Ren has been chosen as the Sharp Shooter! Which Female Isekai MC is the Gardener?
Favorite non-Disney princess? (Bonus points if their animated)
[Loved Trope] Prostitute characters being treated as real people by the narrative (often in a positive light)
Shirukyi has been chosen as the Serial Killer! Which Female Isekai MC is the Sharp Shooter?
Worlds that are bright and whimsical on the surface but you actually would not want to live there.
Well..... What do u think about this?
Does stella hate all of I.M.P? Why would M&M be there?
Black/white guy friends that aren’t canonically gay but have a lot of gay vibes
Favorite strong and empowering female character 👸🏽💪🏽
Two characters who surprisingly never meet through the whole story
What's your favorite comfort character? :3 Here's mine!
Favorite Female protagonist?
Adele has been chosen as the Self Sacrifice! Which Female Isekai MC is the Serial Killer?
Vice admiral doll cosplay
Sei has been chosen as the Cook! Which Female Isekai MC is the Self Sacrifice?
I filled this chart with my favorite characters and characters I love
Favorite character you never expected to become a favorite of yours
Favorite character who you get why people don’t like but you enjoy them just as they are.
Favorite Wizard/Witch?
Ivy has been chosen as the Child. Which Female Isekai MC is the Cook?
Your last saved image defeated goku. What is it?
Non human disabled characters