Why do most Black people think that they are perceived as threatening when most Non-Black people believe that most Black people are short and stocky?
“white people are the superior race” myth got debunked by Sneako. He says Asians are now colonizing Europe
By chance is the Greek and Balkan misread as something else?
Why were Black men castrated and emasculated to be used as harem guards in the Ottoman Empire?
Do you take any percentage 1% or below seriously?
The "Enlightened" Asian American
Why did Ottoman Sultans prefer to marry their daughters to native European converts, unlike Muslims in Spain and the Indian Subcontinent who preferred Arabic or Persian men for their daughters?
Are these names Tragedeigh?
I have no idea what Anatolian is?
What do you guys think of the names of the characters in my recent Wattpad novel?
Can anyone suggest me the plot?
Can Hollywood make a movie based on Kizlar Aghas?
What supposedly modern names have turned out to be ancient and vice versa?
Kim Taehyung is attractive but he is not the most attractive guy in the world. Tons of models and actors look far better than him objectively.
Why are dark-skinned men so underrepresented in Female erotica? Is there an overlapping between Straight White Male porn and Female erotica?
Pak Vs Ind Meltdown Thread
Is there an overlapping between the Straight White male gaze porn and the female gaze erotica?
My bf’s results + pics
My Results as a Kyrgyz-American (bad quality pic included)
Family Vloggers (Yet Again)
How will you rate the names of my characters on my recent Wattpad novels?
𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 - 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚝
Which of these 4 actresses you wish to be playing Tsunade in the upcoming Naruto movie?
Which country in the Americans do you think has the most attractive people?
we need to have a conversation of how international (mostly white) kpop stan speak about misogyny in korea