Did it get better after your baby hit the 3 month mark? If so, how?
Delivering the Placenta
Those who bed share? How??
Baby Monitors: phone or actual monitor?
Is babybrezza worth it? Other tips for a smooth transition
What can I do to keep my baby’s food from coming up after feedings?
Bump hard on one side
Anybody else’s kid not go through a sleep regression?
How do you get your baby to nap?
What is your favorite fruit to eat during pregnancy and why is it pineapple?
Co sleeper bassinet
Kabrita, byheart or happybaby?
App that lets you input your own wake windows? (Huckleberry rounds out to every 15 mins)
What kind of detergent and dryer sheets do you use for baby!?
Former pumping mom - why did you transition into formula?
Anxiety Choosing a formula
How long did you wait to have your second?
Does anyone have a “normal” pregnancy?
My husband yelled, screamed, threw a mattress after I caught him jerking off
Do you tell future parent the hard truth ?
Anyone’s marriage failing after first baby? If so, how did you fix it?
10 weeks PP and passing clots on the combo pill???
10 weeks PP and passing clots on the combo pill?
Blood clots of combo pill? (10 weeks postpartum)
Do you change a sleeping baby at night?