I walked out of an interview after one question. Was I wrong?
Why has no billionaire/VC stepped up to these major funding cuts in the US?
Does the feeling of not knowing enough/anything ever go
What would you do if you saw the same 5 people every day for 2 months and 1 week and they always look the same and are always in the same place you are?
Commercial TSB pH
Does a virus that can modify your brains activity exist
We are so cooked bruh
Interview help!!
PI agreed to provide a visa letter for my abroad summer internship but isn’t responding
Question about job prospects from an undergrad
My cat is starving
Lol what did you guys do?
Are there any actual good colony counters out there?
What’s a movie that NOBODY can convince you is good?
That’s scary
How bad would the name Saoirse in the States be?
Threatens labourers and pays the price
Once Upon a Time In Hollywood Is Without a Doubt Quentin Tarantino’s Most Polarizing Film and All Your Comments Are Gonna Prove So
Trump isn’t ruining everything positive in OUR society, just AMERICAN society
Are weird last name a major disadvantage in job applications?
What shows or movie did you want to like, but couldn't?
So many Conservative Men are losers
What's a Movie That Blew You Away But no one Talks About??
Searching for Food Microbiology Courses
What could this be?