I found this on the door of the church right next to where you first meet Angela
One-Dimensionally Evil, And That’s The Point.
Rage bait or not, what the actual fuck???
Did bro seriously referenced the Nikolas Cruz meme that died many years ago? (I know it’s not a meme, but still)
Time to stir the pot…again.
This is just plain awful.
Melba, Pie-Flavored Crone
The international women's day is coming! who is your favorite female character?
Favorite Trans Character
Evil Churches
Questions about future SH remakes (discussion)
How they gave me my coke at KFC... didn't have a pic so i drew it.
Saw this on Instagram, Thoughts?
Geezus, why is r/thankimcured so full of Negative Nancies??? Have some fuckin hope for once.
What Goosebumps Books Do You Want To See Become Graphic Novels?
Show me a fictional character who is actually Catholic or I will condemn you
Of course Neil would deny the afterlife while also claim Isaac Newton is his hero lmao
is this the actual ending?
Which Fear Street Books Deserve a Movie Adaptation?
Pizza Ad
I made this chocolate what do you think of the idea?
Muslims, check the spelling of your calenda r.
Muslims, check your calenda r.
Ah yes, the Soviet regimes are known for their high rate of literacy…now wait a minute.