Kindly elaborate in simple words what is meditation according to krishnamurti sir.
Master of Reality, and you are THAT
The Path of Spiritual Integration: Understanding Our Growth Process
Master of Reality and we are THAT
A Bridge Between Science and Spirituality - Everything is Connected
Transcending Polarization: The Intelligence of Integrating Opposites
Born anew right now.
Krishnamurti's teachings are the direct truth, but
What k has said about God..and your views on ?please truly.
Abundant Living, Choiceless Awareness, and Intention – A Personal Reflection
let go.
What did JK mean when he said “instant” understanding of something?
Am I an Immortal Being?
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized that life was a costume party, and I attended with my real face.”Franz Kafka
Some lessons I’ve learned
Introducing Myself – Feeling Lost, Just Read About Bazi
Am I dreaming everything or is everything dreaming me?
The Socratic Method and Non-Duality
"We have separated living from dying, and that interval between living and dying is fear" JK
Accept It
Necessary but not easy.
we store we process, like machines Who have limitations.
Self Control
Everything in the universe is composed of energy and everything has an energy field around it.
Introducing myself