Here are THE top & bottom 15 from DC ranked scientifically and accurately in a survey done by experts on the matter
Look what I found on twitter....I hate jake but jesus christ that is crossing the line
From 1 to 10, how stupid is the reason why I hate Lynda?
Since Venture Camp has surpassed 300k words with the release of Starventure Camp Episode 15, I thought I'd draw a little something!
Remember when we all thought this would be the 'Team Amazon' of Disventure Camp?
Comparing DC (COC vs AS) Characters (DAY 4) - Which of these two characters worked better as a first boot in YOUR opinion?
Am i the only one who thinks Jade felt bad for him?
The more that I think about it, the more I feel he just shouldn't have had an arc in AS at all.
What is the worst heartfelt moment in this show
Sorry, but I find it REALLY hard to feel bad for her
what if characters switched their placement with their lover, friend, or associate? Part 1: Season 1
Let be honest...did the characters earn their happy ending?
Spencer is the new Jake and my problems with how queer men are handled
Hot take prediction: Ivy and Zaid are going to be the main couple of the season
How would you react if Richad goes in EP9?
This line did not age well
Tom greetings be like
ivy has plot armour
"Starventure Camp - Episode 14: To-term-ina" just dropped! :D
(Final day)how would you rank Jake in All Stars
Why does everyone hate jade in this subreddit
Gotta love how it’s a general consensus that Empoleon is the worst Sinnoh starter even when his competition is 4× weak to ice and didn’t learn Shell Smash until 2 years ago.
Peak character development
Rankings of S1 and S2 Cast