Just ordered my very first PRS!
Dragon Age: The Veilguard fracassou até na PlayStation Plus
The twin prodigies
I am a 14 year old girl and I need someone to please help me.
Found this at my grandma's. I think I'm gonna steal it.
Mauser C96 "Red 9" made in 1916. Most likely a WW1 vet.
Not even they can defeat those teachers
Quem mais sofreu aqui?
Todo brasileiro tem que assistir esse vídeo pelo menos uma vez na vida
The perfect loaf
Are Bodybuilding Gyms uncommon in Brazil? I don't see many gyms on google with Barbell Squat Racks and Bench Presses (free weights).
Nem o Peter do ei nerd tankou
Whatever works, works
Que tal a que o Brasil não é colonizado? ... Que tal?
Qual história alternativa da colonização do Brasil vc prefere?
What’s your favorite ost in the game? This includes bosses, random enemies etc. Base game and DLC
Foreigners convicted of nearly a quarter of sex crimes
Essa suposta terceira guerra mundial é possivel?
Do you shave your pubes? Why or why not?
Questionable taste in my weird old Victorian home (Illinois)
Fui rejeitada
Pretty impressive
Whats that weapon that you had to force yourself off of?
Regions in Europe with at least one mosque
The Lord of the Frenzied Flame has been defeated. He shall be eaten with some bread and juice
Bored Panda listou Henry Cavill como um ator fracassado por ser "misógino".